all postcodes in EN1 / ENFIELD

find any address or company within the EN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

EN / Enfield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EN1 9RP 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9RW 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9SA 1 1 51.654911 -0.079899
EN1 9SB 1 1 51.654911 -0.079899
EN1 9SD 1 1 51.654911 -0.079899
EN1 9AG 1 51.651918 -0.077079
EN1 9BD 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9BJ 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9DW 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9DZ 1 0 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9HH 0 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9HY 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9JQ 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9JW 1 0 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9LA 1 0 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9LB 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9LR 1 0 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9NA 1 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9NL 1 0 51.651916 -0.077106
EN1 9NP 1 1 51.651916 -0.077106